Project 25, Post No. 15: Throwback Thursday  

Thirsty Thursday, y'all!
In college, Thursday was an excuse to put on a silky top, some Seven jeans and put your Motorola Razr in your clutch, because we were pregaming at Pike.

Today, I spent a Thursday night making stuffed Poblano peppers, walking across the street to buy ice cream, then watching So You Think You Can Dance.

Which isn’t too different from teenage Clare, really.

So here’s a take on #tbt - here are 9 quality vintage (and not so vintage) dance sequences to throw you back.

I. So You Think You Can Dance: The Bench Dance (2006)

Let me take you back to simpler times. Times where Celine Dion could fix anything and everything. There is just something about that moment when the two look through the bench at each other and it. is. just. everything.


II. The Red Shoes (1948)

This movie kind of scared me a little as a child. Even as a grownup there are frightening moments. It’s an old fashioned melodrama, of the best variety. Just a snippet below.

III. Britney Spears, “Stronger” (2000)

This is the video that claimed Britney’s knee - and the last shred of her full-out dancing. But goodness, that chair sequence.

IV. Cabaret, “Mein Herr” (1972)

Liza Minelli is a BAMF. Let her show you.

V. An American in Paris (1951)

OK, this is one is a long one, but classic. Just simply classic. And about the most American thing you could ever like.

VI. The Book of Mormon, “Turn It Off” (2012)

OK, so there’s no film adaptation of this movie yet, so here’s some random students performing, but this tap number is the cutest.

VII. Footloose (1984)

Once, I saw Kevin Bacon at a tech conference and all I could think about was the fact that he once did this amazing warehouse scene in which he blows off steam with gymnastics. After drinking. It’s so angsty, I want to do a tuck jump.

VIII. Magic Mike (2012)

Who would have thought that the movie that would have been the turning point in Matthew McConaughey’s career? I wouldn’t have pegged it. This entire film is pure gold.

IX. Center Stage (2010)

Nope, I didn’t pick the last scene. Red pointe shoes aren’t that cool, sorry. For me, the best part of this iconic sleepover movie is the time when the main character decided to dance outside of her box for a bit. And it’s so wonderfully dated now. Just look at that dark lipstick!

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Project 25, Post No. 16: 3 years at Edelman

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