Project 25, No. 24: On family

What more do we have in this world, other than family we’ve inherited and the sisters and brothers we’ve chosen to be just as close?


I’ve never understood people who immediately balked at the idea of hanging out with their parents, or seeing their siblings.

And this weekend, in helping my brother move to college, I saw a lot of interesting family dynamics. Packs of 14 that looked exactly alike. Mothers bawled in the hallways, clutching six-foot-tall men to their bosom, screaming, “My baby!” Twins said glad goodbyes to one another, with markedly different college hoodies on. Boyfriends saying goodbye and dropping off one last teddy bear for her extra-long twin bed. Sisters fighting over sweaters and boots. Grandmothers commenting on the size of the rooms, and likely saying something slightly racist aloud.

Meanwhile, this was me and Chris:


(He’s mad because I’m mussing up his pomade.)

I’m excited to have my brother within 30 minutes for the first time in 3 years, and I’m excited that he’s entering such an exciting time in his life.

So when life gets you down, folks - when that Tinder date doesn’t show up, or when clients disappoint, remember your friends and family. They’ll give you what you need. They’ll remind you you’re not the only weirdo in this town.


And, they’ll record you when you’re spitting real truth.


So tell your guardians, siblings, cousins and sisters from other misters you love and appreciate ‘em. It’s the perfect day for gratitude! And to mess up their hair.

In honor of your favorite family member, won’t you consider donating?


Now read this

Project 25, Post. No. 8: Free will

“I’m just not as… calculated as you.” That has been said to me more than a few times in different situations. Dates, interns, family members have all looked at my notebooks filled with pro/con lists with eyes filled with incredulity,... Continue →