Project 25, No. 23: Everything is connected


I’ve been a little down about work lately. In the PR agency world, it’s easy to dismiss years of work as exhausting and ultimately pointless. No matter how bushy your tail is in the beginning, sometimes, you can’t really convince clients to behave better, to be more creative or to push outside their comfort zone.

But sometimes, there are breakthroughs. Sometimes, the results you see aren’t from your clients, but your colleagues.


So, as you wrap up your Friday and foment the fires of weekend fun, remember that sometimes, years of work result in tiny victories. A tree doesn’t grow in a day.

Here’s to giving back.


Now read this

Project 25, No. 24: On family

What more do we have in this world, other than family we’ve inherited and the sisters and brothers we’ve chosen to be just as close? I’ve never understood people who immediately balked at the idea of hanging out with their parents, or... Continue →