Project 25, Post No. 3: #GIRLBOSS

Guys, we need to talk about #GIRLBOSS. I know, it’s totally predictable that I bought the book, a memoir/advice book for girls by one of my favorite female CEOs.

I’m nothing like Sophia. I went to prestigious prep schools, I spend an average of 15 minutes getting ready and my idea of high fashion is mustering enough energy to wear heels.

But the lady has built a fashion empire from scratch, favorites every tweet in which she’s mentioned and is so gosh darn authentic, it’s hard not to entertain her advice.

It’s an easy read and mimics like the Nasty Gal website: in-your-face, highly visual, designed for the ADD-addled millennial looking for a quick jolt of inspiration, like, five minutes ago.

Rock on, Sophia, and I hope someday I can write a badass pink book from the C-Suite like you did.

*A word of advice: DO NOT search “girl boss” in Google image search with parental controls off. But if you do to see what comes up, I won’t judge ;)


Dear friends: I’ve raised a stunning $145 so far, I’m ever so grateful! If you have rich friends, encourage them to click here: [](


Now read this

Project 25, No. 19: On Robin

I know there’s been a lot written about Robin Williams’ passing today. I hope I don’t wake up tomorrow to bigotry, but I’m afraid it’s already happened. Everything wrong with modern media in one screenshot:—... Continue →