Project 25, Post. No. 10: F@#$ing go outside  

If you’re inside on this gorgeous day (in Northern California, at least), won’t you consider going outside, please?

I promise it’s pretty.

photo (4).JPG
Crystal Springs, San Mateo, Calif.

It’s easy to stay in bed forever on Saturday, eat nachos in bed and binge watch Mad Men. But so is remembering that you have legs that can take you four miles (or more).

And you have every freedom to use them to walk, hike, bike, run, or rollerblade.

So put on some socks and sunscreen, and go outside. Remember that life is probably mostly good, and no matter what’s going on in your life, that the sun’s out, and that you can be the badass lady shredding the gnar in purple roller blades.


Happy Saturday, and happy national ice cream sandwich day!

Celebrate today by giving a couple bucks to clean water, why doncha? Here’s the link:

Also: one more workweek until Outside Lands!


Now read this

Project 25, No. 19: On Robin

I know there’s been a lot written about Robin Williams’ passing today. I hope I don’t wake up tomorrow to bigotry, but I’m afraid it’s already happened. Everything wrong with modern media in one screenshot:—... Continue →